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Ecological sites are the Romains of ecosystems that deserve protection and are of great importance for maintenance of biological diversity, f. ex. mid-forest water ponds, swamps, mosses and sites of rare plant, animal and mushroom species.

The following ecological lands are located in Torzym Forest District:


In the The Valley of River Pliszka:

       - "Tufory" - mid-forest peatbog-cotton grass-sedge bryophyte lands with self-seeded alder, birch and shrubs. Protected plants include: peat moss, cotton-grass, cranberry, roundleaf sundew, bryophytes;

      - "Swan Nest" - mid-forest peatbog-sedge bryophyte land of bog forests physiognomy with self-seed of alder, birch and shrubs. Protected plants include: peat moss, cotton-grass, cranberry, roundleaf sundew, bryophytes;

       - "Wiktorówka" - mid-forest peatbog-cotton grass-sedge bryophyte lands with self-seeded alder, birch and shrubs. Protected plants include: peat moss, cotton-grass, orchid, cranberry, roundleaf sundew, bryophytes;

        - "Grzęzawisko" - mid-forest peatbog-cotton grass-sedge bryophyte lands with self-seeded alder, birch and shrubs. Protected plants include: peat moss, cotton-grass, cranberry, roundleaf sundew, bryophytes;


Located on the area of Lake Wicze (Lake Jasne):

"Dzikowiska" - mid-forest peatbog-cotton grass-sedge bryophyte lands with self-seeded alder, birch and shrubs. Protected plants include: peat moss, Andromeda, cotton-grass, cranberry, roundleaf sundew, bryophytes;


Located on the area of the River Ilanka:

"White-tailed Eagle's Nest" - mid-forest mesotrophic bog-cotton covered by willows and settlements of mesotrophic bog flora, settlement of many animal species.


Moreover, the following ecological lands are being planned:

- "Bryophyte with a bog" (within Gądków Wielki precinct),

- "Grabówka", "Cotton-grass Bryophyte", "Common Marsh", "Woolf Bog I", "Woolf Bog II" (within Torzym precinct),

- "By the Sanctuary", "Clearings", "Andromeda" (within Wystok precinct).

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Usage of forest is taking advantage of its resources - logging, collecting fruits of the forest, plants and their parts to be used in pharmaceutical industry, acquiring pines, exploitation of mines and other. Foresters allow society use the gifts of the forest but in a way assuring its continuity.

The level of logging is set in the forest organization plan which is drawn up ten years for each tree distict. It ensures logging not only to levels of production ability but also systematic increase in storage of wood remaining in the forest (so called 'growing stock'). In short, foresters manage forest ensuring its continuity and possibility of biological reconstruction.