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Hunters and foresters undertake a series of actions to limit damage caused by game (deer, roe deer, elk and wild boar). At times of severe winters they feed animals and attempt to limit damage to forest cultivation and farming. On the area of the forest district one can find big game such as red deer, fallow deer, elk, wild boar as well as small game like hare, pheasant and badgers.

Torzym Forest District is in possession of two game shooting districts (105 and 106) and supervises hunting management of two hunting associations leasing three districts. Hunting offer is available on the websites of "Łoś" and "Jodła" hunting associations.

The majority of cull plan approved by Director Regional of the State Forests is carried out in under the hunting sale deal with the hunting office providing services to foreign hunters.
For domestic hunters not familiar with the hunting ground a cull reserve for individual shooting which can be held in the companion of local hunter as leaders and are charged according to separate price list.

The condition of accepting the hunter is approval of the district forester. It can happen after the direct contact of a hunter with the manager of the unit. Once granted a permission to hunt individually the hunter is required to present all vital and valid documents confirming right to hunt (gun permission, Polish Hunting Union membership and shooting a gun) to the forest district. After the shooting of authorised game piece settlement of the hunting trophy and hunting is held within 7 days.

On the area of Torzym Forest District group hunting for domestic hunters is not available.

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